An Apple Touch Icon on every page helps visitors remember your digital brand on their Smartphone Home Screen Experience a Mobile Mega Menu that you can interact with using ONLY ONE HAND and can be viewed on any size screen

When smartphone users hold their devices using ONE HAND, the "Thumb Zone" is an area on your smartphone screen that your thumbs, are able to easily reach to interact with a mobile website navigation menu.

The Thumb Zone Area changes based on

1The size of your hand.

2Which thumbs (left thumb or right thumb) you used to interact with a mobile navigation menu.

3The size of your Smartphone screen.

Your thumbs were able to interact with Mobile Navigation Menus on earlier smartphone devices

Your thumbs are not able to interact with Mobile Navigation Menus that are positioned on the top of the screen of large screen smartphones

Designing a Thumb Zone Friendly Navigation Mega Menu that mobile visitors can interact with using ONE HAND is very simple if you follow three simple rules

1POSITION your website navigation menu at the bottom of your smartphone screen.

2CENTER all navigation menu categories and web page links.

3USE CSS Viewport Units Height that automatically adjust to different smartphone viewport sizes.

Most websites have different navigation menus for Mobile and Desktop devices

My Responsive Mobile User Experience (UX) Design uses a Thumb Zone Friendly Navigation Menu that is optimized for ONLY ONE HAND menu interactions and, provide visitors a consistent Navigation User Experience (UX) ON ANY SIZE SCREEN ranging from the largest size Smart TV screen, to the small screen of an Apple Watch!

Mobile visitors are able to use ONE HAND when interacting with my Navigation Menu that also provides a consistent Navigation User Experience (UX) on any size screen

Raul Gonzalez Experience my Thumb Zone Friendly Mobile Mega Menu using ONLY ONE HAND

1OPEN this web page on a large screen Smartphone.

2TAP the M   E   N   U at the bottom of the screen. This action will open a full screen overlay Navigation Menu that is displayed in an OPTIMAL THUMB ZONE AREA of the screen!

3USE your Left and Right Thumbs to SCROLL all the way down to the bottom and top of the navigation menu.

4TAP any one of the different Menu Categories.

5USE your Left and Right Thumb to SCROLL up and down and interact with all associated links.

6TAP the M   E   N   U at the bottom of the screen, to close the navigation menu and return to the webpage that you were viewing.

I am always interested in reading your comments, opinions, and thoughts! Raul Gonzalez
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